The Asian American Feminist Collective is proud to present an interactive workshop, RACE IS A BODY IMAGE ISSUE, led by the incredible Sonalee Rashatwar AKA The Fat Sex Therapist!
Sonalee Rashatwar (she/they) LCSW MEd is an award-winning social worker, sex therapist, adjunct lecturer, and grassroots organizer. Based in Philly (licensed in NJ and PA), she is a fat queer non-binary therapist and co-owner of Radical Therapy Center, specialized in treating sexual trauma, body image issues, racial or immigrant identity issues, and South Asian family systems, while offering fat and body positive sexual healthcare.
Popularly known as @TheFatSexTherapist on Instagram, their notoriety peaked when they were featured on Breitbart in March 2018 for naming thinness as a white supremacist beauty ideal. Sonalee is a sought-after speaker who travels internationally to curate custom visual workshops that whisper to our change-making spirit and nourish our vision for a more just future.
In the US, more than 30 million people of all ages, races, genders, sizes, and sexual orientations live with an eating disorder. The rising cases of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and orthorexia (obsession to “eat healthy”) should serve as a signal to us all about the ways we turn white hegemony inward onto ourselves. In this workshop, Sonalee will explain how our definitions, role models, and solutions for positive body image are actually interested in maintaining white supremacy. Why are we stuck scrutinizing our fat trans disabled bodies of color through the colonized white gaze? We'll explore how thinness has become a white supremacist beauty ideal and how we can begin to unlearn fatphobia through a complex, but accessible intersectional analysis. Content will also cover topical fat liberation like medical weight bias, Health At Every Size (HAES), the relationship between body dissatisfaction and consent, and conclude with concrete ways we can promote positive self image and heal negative body image. Many free resources will be shared.
ACCESSIBILITY NOTES: Wheelchair accessible. The 45 Main St. entrance has both stairs and an elevator to get to the Lobby level which is where the elevator bank is located. Many thanks to our friends at Huge for hosting us for this event!