Of the thousand times my Aunt’s heart has been ripped open, including her pacemaker surgery, I don’t know if any of those instances compare with the loss of her parents and brother.
Rheumatic heart disease is the one type of heart disease that affects mostly children and young adults in low-income countries.
Veronica Sanchez is a Director of Community Impact for the American Heart Association.
The cost of fighting back against racial inequality. Erica Garner was an uncompromising woman, who fought bravely for police reform.
Dr. Jean Ekwenibe is a non-invasive cardiologist based in Houston,TX. She strives to provide excellent cardiovascular care
Eyes close take a deep breath
deep breath through the nose slow inhale
never letting go never letting go
It was December 2016. I was having some respiratory problems, and one particular morning, my sinuses were acting up. My chest was congested, and as I sat up, I felt a squeeze in my left arm.
8 books on Heart Attack and Heart Disease, Heartache and Heartbreak. Whether it’s fact or fiction, every story is somehow connected to the heart.
There are three types of exercise recommended for general heart health and fitness: Aerobic exercise, strength training, and stretching.
On Day One of heartache, I wrap my swollen eyes with a t-shirt you left behind, waiting for the smell of you to fade into the smell of me.
Stroke is a leading cause of mortality for women, with twice as many women a year dying from a stroke than from breast cancer.
Beautiful Boy who
barely made it to Beautiful Man
Who were you?
A deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood clot that occurs in a deep vein, usually in the legs.
They say that time heals all.
I say it's love.
See, time is a buffer.
It has been almost a year since you left.
Chucking her half eaten bar of chocolate at her trash can, and missing, Izzy let out an exasperated sigh.
In talking about her life post-transplant, I discovered that Linda’s candor and willingness to educate are among the few things that have managed to stay the same.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when pressure in the arteries is too high.