Womanly Magazine

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Editor's Letter

Issue No. 6: Food, Nutrition, and Access in Our Communities
Words - Attia Taylor
Photography - Emma Pratte

Growing up with not a lot of money in North Philly meant eating foods that didn’t always hold enough nutritional value. Still, my grandparents and my mom did the best they could to ensure my siblings and I had food on the table every day. My grandmother would make me school lunch because she knew that while public school lunches were all many children had, they were oftentimes not fresh and rarely tasty. She also cooked from the soul, and passed on so many wonderful recipes and memories to myself and family. I’m grateful. 

For many families, food on the table is the bottom line. In this issue, our hope is to help folks fill their bellies and learn how to live long, healthy lives. Sufficient access to safe and nutritious food is a human right. And yet, according to the United Nations, over 2 billion people do not have access around the world. In the US in 2018, 1 in 6 children lacked adequate and consistent access to food, and 5.6 million households experienced severe food insecurity. 

As we face a global pandemic, our focus is on the challenges folks are facing to access a meal. This issue offers hope through nutritional facts, community resources, recipes, personal narratives, and art for survival. Please reach out to us any time for additional support and resources. 

In Solidarity, 